
Province                Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat)

Nearest major Town    Korat City

Coordinates (GE)          15.219669, 102.494342

Date of visit                      22-April-2015

Access                                 Easy – Blacktop Road

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Pimai was one of the Khmer empire’s major centres. It was (and remains) an important Buddhist and Hindu site. Most buildings are thought to date from the 11th and 12 Century (CE)


Other Historical sites in the area

Ban Non Wat

Prasat Hin Phanom Wan


Other points of interest in the area

Pimai Salt is a major producer of refined table salt for SE Asia, using solution mining techniques. Their operation can be seen on the right as you proceed towards Pimai after turning off the main road. They are not open for tourist visits though.

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