Prang Reusi, Sri Thep, Petchubun

Province                             Petchabun

Nearest major Town     Wichienburi

Coordinates (GE)           15.488542, 101.157328

 Date of visit                     12-August-2015

Access                                   Fairly Easy – Minor roads

More Photos                     Link


 Not far from the Sri Thep historical park, and located within a sanctuary, it is thought to have been constructed around the 1tth century (CE?). The Thai word Reusi translates to Hermit or Recluse, so possibly reflects on the sanctuary that encloses it.

Other Historical sites in the area

Sri Thep Khao Klang Nok – a Dvaravati era pyramid

Sri Thep Historical Park – major settlement

Other points of interest in the area

Wichienburi – Driving north on the minor roads you may encounter Thailand’s only onshore oilfield.

Not far from Wichienburi itself is a shrine dedicated to King Naresuen.











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