Sri Thep Khao Klang Nok

Province                              Petchabun

Nearest major Town     Wichienburi

Coordinates (GE)            15.486547, 101.144858

Date of visit                       12-August-2015

Access                                   Fairly Easy – Minor roads

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Not far from the Sri Thep historical park a Dvaravati era pyramid. This is quite unique. Excavations are continuing in the surrounding area, it is likely a much larger site than is obvious. Most surprising is that it was only discovered relatively recently (~40 years or so)

Other Historical sites in the area

Sri Thep Historical Park – major settlement

Prang Reusi


Other points of interest in the area

Wichienburi – Driving north on the minor roads you may encounter Thailand’s only onshore oilfield.

Not far from Wichienburi itself is a shrine dedicated to King Naresuen.












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